Frequently Asked Questions 

My Newborn Won’t Sleep, Can You Help? I Thought “Sleep Training” Was For Older Babies?

Yes, I certainly can help with newborns! I don’t like the term sleep “training”. I don’t train babies, I help you help them learn how to sleep! With a newborn, we focus on overstimulation, overtiredness, appropriate wake time and wind down, and helping their circadian rhythms develop. I can show you how to do this so you get off on the right foot and prevent sleep problems from emerging further down the track.

What Methods Do You Use?

There are only so many ways to help a baby sleep, and I support the use of many approaches or variance in approaches. We pick a method together, and then I support you to implement it. Depending on your situation, my suggestions will be based on the personality of your baby, the sleep issues you are facing, and the family dynamics, we can work as slowly and gently or as quickly as you like to get results, but I will always give my professional opinion on the best fit for your child.

How Long Will It Take?

This depends largely on the consistency and commitment of everyone involved. I’ve seen life-changing results happen in 24 hours, some have taken 3 or 4 weeks. It depends on the child’s personality, the method we are using, and if you utilise the follow-up support.

Will My Baby Cry?

I have found that the amount of crying is largely dependent on Bub’s personality rather than the method used. If you have an easygoing baby he may well just have a little whinge. If you have a very willful baby he may put up a fuss. Although I do have a preference for methods that promote attachment, even with the gentler methods there will be crying. Your little one is simply saying “Hey, hey we don’t do it this way, what are you doing?” They are not traumatized by the experience they are simply letting you know they are confused and frustrated with the “new” way of doing things. I ensure that before we even discuss any kind of methodology I ask lots of questions to make sure that the environment is conducive to sleep and that the baby or child is on an appropriate wake time for their age, that they are not over or under-stimulated and that there are no health issues outstanding that would hinder any progress.

My Partner Is Worried It Won’t Work

I have a 100% success rate. If you do what I suggest, and keep me in the loop consistently, I promise “it will work”.  I also do not cut off clients, I do not stop working with a family until the issues are resolved, and it is literally impossible for my suggestions to “fail”.

I Can’t Afford It, Do You Offer Payment Plans?

YES! I can offer a payment plan to suit you, please call me to discuss this option.

Work with Me

Ready to sleep soundly through the night?